Biscotti, also known as cantucci, are a traditional Italian cookie that originated in the Tuscan city of Prato. However, they are also popular in the Lazio region of Italy, particularly in the towns and communes of Viterbo, Rieti, and Frosinone. Biscotti can be found in many local bakeries and pastry shops, as well as in supermarkets and specialty food stores.

One popular recipe for biscotti involves mixing flour, sugar, eggs, and almonds together to form a dough, which is then shaped into long, thin logs and baked twice. The resulting cookies are crunchy and perfect for dipping in coffee or tea. Another recipe involves adding chocolate chips or dried fruit to the dough for a sweeter, more indulgent treat.

Biscotti from the Lazio region have been recognized as a PAT (Traditional Agri-Food Product) by the Italian government. This means that they are made using traditional methods and ingredients, and are representative of the region’s culinary heritage. The specifications for Lazio biscotti include the use of local flour, eggs, and almonds, as well as a specific baking process that involves two rounds of baking.

– “Biscotti di Prato” on the official website of the Italian Ministry of Agricultural, Food and Forestry Policies (
– “Biscotti di Viterbo” on the official website of the Lazio region (
– “Biscotti di Rieti” on the official website of the Rieti Chamber of Commerce (