Cappelletti, also known as Caplitt, is a traditional pasta dish from the Emilia-Romagna region in Italy. It is a type of stuffed pasta, similar to tortellini, but with a different shape. Cappelletti are small, hat-shaped pasta filled with a mixture of meat, cheese, and herbs.
Cappelletti can be found in various towns and communes in Emilia-Romagna, including Bologna, Modena, and Ravenna. In Bologna, you can find them at local pasta shops such as La Vecchia Malga and La Sfoglia Rina. In Modena, you can try them at La Vecchia Scuola Bolognese and Osteria Francescana. In Ravenna, you can find them at Trattoria da Ivan and Osteria del Tempo Perso.
Here are two Traditional Recipesss for cappelletti:
1. Cappelletti with Meat Filling:
– For the pasta dough: flour, eggs, salt
– For the filling: ground pork, ground beef, Parmesan cheese, nutmeg, salt, pepper
– Serve with a meat-based sauce, such as ragù or broth.
2. Cappelletti with Cheese Filling:
– For the pasta dough: flour, eggs, salt
– For the filling: ricotta cheese, Parmesan cheese, egg yolk, nutmeg, salt, pepper
– Serve with a butter and sage sauce or a light tomato sauce.
Cappelletti has received the PAT (Traditional Agri-Foodstuffs) recognition, which is a certification given to traditional Italian food products. The specifications for cappelletti include using specific ingredients and following traditional production methods.
– “Cappelletti: la ricetta originale” – Giallo Zafferano (
– “Cappelletti” – Emilia Romagna Turismo (