Capra alla neretese

Capra alla neretese is a traditional dish from the Abruzzo region in Italy. It is a delicious recipe that features goat meat as the main ingredient. This dish can be found in various towns and communes of Abruzzo, including Nereto and its surrounding areas.

The history of Capra alla neretese dates back to ancient times when goat farming was prevalent in the region. The dish was created as a way to utilize the meat from these goats. It has since become a popular and cherished recipe among the locals.

To prepare Capra alla neretese, the goat meat is marinated in a mixture of red wine, garlic, rosemary, and other herbs and spices. It is then slowly cooked in a pot with onions, tomatoes, and a splash of vinegar. The result is a tender and flavorful meat dish that is often served with polenta or crusty bread.

Capra alla neretese has received the prestigious PAT (Traditional Agri-Food Product) recognition, which is a certification given to traditional Italian food products that are produced using traditional methods and ingredients. This recognition ensures the authenticity and quality of the dish.

1. “Capra alla neretese” – Abruzzo Turismo (
2. “Capra alla neretese” – Italian Food Excellence (