Lardo is a traditional Italian cured meat that can be found in the Trento region of Italy. Specifically, it is produced in the towns of Cembra, Fornace, and Palù del Fersina. Lardo can be found in local butcher shops and specialty food stores in these towns, such as Macelleria Zeni in Cembra and Salumeria Trentina in Fornace.
Lardo is made from the fatback of a pig that is cured with salt, herbs, and spices, and then aged for several months. It is typically sliced thinly and served on bread or used to flavor dishes such as pasta and risotto. One popular recipe is Lardo di Arnad, which is a dish from the Aosta Valley that features thinly sliced lardo served with rye bread and pickles.
Lardo has been recognized with the Protected Designation of Origin (PDO) by the European Union, which means that it must meet certain specifications in order to be labeled as such. These specifications include being made from the fatback of pigs raised in specific regions of Italy, and being cured and aged according to traditional methods.