Miele di melata di bosco del Carso

Miele di melata di bosco del Carso, or Forest Honeydew from Carso, is a unique and delicious honey that can be found in the region of Friuli-Venezia Giulia in Italy. This type of honey is produced in the towns and communes of Carso, Trieste, and Gorizia. It can be found in local specialty stores, farmers’ markets, and online shops that specialize in Italian gourmet products.

One popular recipe that features Miele di melata di bosco del Carso is a simple and elegant dessert called Honeydew Honey Panna Cotta. Another recipe is a savory dish called Honeydew Glazed Pork Tenderloin. Both recipes showcase the rich and complex flavor of this forest honey.

Miele di melata di bosco del Carso has been recognized with the PAT (Traditional Agri-food Product) designation, which signifies its traditional production methods and unique characteristics. It is a dark amber color with a strong, slightly bitter taste and a hint of woodiness. It is also known for its high mineral content and health benefits.

– www.friuliveneziagiulia.it
– www.italia.it