Migliaccio is a traditional dessert from the Campania region in Italy. It is a sweet and creamy cake made with semolina flour, ricotta cheese, eggs, sugar, and lemon zest. This delicious treat is typically enjoyed during Carnival season, especially on Shrove Tuesday, also known as Martedì Grasso.

Migliaccio can be found in various towns and communes of Campania, including Naples, Salerno, Avellino, and Caserta. These areas have a rich culinary tradition, and Migliaccio is a popular dessert during festive occasions and celebrations.

To make Migliaccio, the semolina flour is cooked with milk until it thickens, and then it is mixed with ricotta cheese, eggs, sugar, and lemon zest. The mixture is poured into a cake pan and baked until it sets. Once cooled, it is usually dusted with powdered sugar before serving.

Migliaccio has gained recognition as a traditional agri-food product (PAT) in Italy. This recognition ensures that the dessert is made following specific specifications and traditional methods. The use of high-quality ingredients and adherence to Traditional Recipesss are essential in preserving the authenticity and taste of Migliaccio.

– “Migliaccio Napoletano: la ricetta originale” – Giallo Zafferano (giallozafferano.it)
– “Migliaccio” – Accademia Italiana della Cucina (accademiaitalianadellacucina.it)