Rapa catozza, also known as catozza turnip, is a traditional vegetable that is commonly found in the Campania region of Italy. This vegetable is primarily grown in the towns and communes of Campania, such as Naples, Salerno, and Avellino. It is a popular ingredient in many traditional dishes in this region.

One Traditional Recipess that features rapa catozza is “Rapa Catozza e Patate al Forno” (Baked Rapa Catozza and Potatoes). In this recipe, the turnips and potatoes are sliced and baked with olive oil, garlic, and herbs until they are tender and golden brown. Another popular recipe is “Rapa Catozza e Salsiccia” (Rapa Catozza and Sausage), where the turnips are cooked with Italian sausage, onions, and tomatoes to create a flavorful and hearty dish.

Rapa catozza has been recognized as a traditional agricultural product (PAT) in Italy. This recognition ensures that the vegetable is produced and processed according to specific specifications and traditional methods. It also helps to promote and preserve the cultural heritage associated with this vegetable.

1. “Rapa Catozza” – www.agraria.org
2. “Prodotti Agroalimentari Tradizionali (PAT)” – www.politicheagricole.it