Salsicciotto frentano, Salsicciotto, Saiggicciott, Sauccicciott

The Salsicciotto Frentano is a traditional sausage from the region of Abruzzo, Italy. It is specifically found in the towns and communes of Frentani, Lanciano, and Atessa. This sausage has a rich history that dates back centuries. It is believed to have been created by local farmers who used leftover cuts of pork and seasoned them with a blend of herbs and spices.

The Salsicciotto Frentano is made using a mixture of lean pork meat and fat, which is then seasoned with salt, pepper, fennel seeds, and other aromatic herbs. The mixture is stuffed into natural casings and left to dry for a period of time. The sausages are then cooked by grilling or frying, resulting in a delicious and flavorful dish.

This traditional sausage has gained recognition as a PAT (Traditional Agri-Food Product) by the Italian government. This recognition ensures that the Salsicciotto Frentano is produced following specific specifications and traditional methods. It also guarantees the authenticity and quality of the product.

One popular recipe that features the Salsicciotto Frentano is “Salsicciotto alla Brace.” In this recipe, the sausages are grilled over an open flame until they are cooked through and have a slightly charred exterior. They are then served with a side of roasted potatoes and a drizzle of extra virgin olive oil.

Another delicious recipe is “Salsicciotto con Fagioli.” In this dish, the sausages are cooked in a tomato-based sauce with cannellini beans, garlic, and rosemary. The flavors meld together to create a hearty and comforting meal.

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